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External resources on Māori Cultural Confidence
This section includes links to some resources that will support your journey and build your confidence in understanding te ao Māori.
Te ao Māori
E-Tangata: Understanding Mātauranga Māori - An article by Hirini Moko Mead on understanding Mātauranga Māori
New Zealand Intellectual Property Office: Māori IP - Describes what Māori IP is
Hirini Moko Mead: Tikanga Māori Book - A comprehensive published book on living by Māori values
Te Ara: Whakapapa - An article on whakapapa and what it means
Mana: The Importance of Whanaungatanga - An article of whanaungatanga and what it means
Te Ara: Families and Hospitality - How to show hospitality through Māori values
Ngati Porou: Kaitiakitanga - How to be a kaitiaki for the environment
Te Papa: Maramataka - Resources on learning about Maramataka
Te Ara: Pōwhiri Process - An article on the pōwhiri process and what it means
Te Ara: Tangihanga - An article on tangihanga and what it means
Te Reo Māori
Reo Māori: Māori Language Week - A description on what Māori language week is
Reo Māori: Resources - A list of resources to learn te reo Māori
Reo Māori: Where to Learn - Education opportunities to learn te reo Māori
Reo Māori: Learn your Mihi - Where to start in learning your mihi
Reo Māori: Guide for Pronunciation - How to pronounce the Māori alphabet and words
Mahuru: Mahuru Challenge - Set a challenge to help you improve in te reo
Te Taura Whiri: Māori Language Commission - A website with dedicated resources on learning te reo Māori
Te Taura Whiri: Language Planning Resources - Resources to help set you up to learn te reo Māori
Muka Tangata
Muka Tangata is the Workforce Development Council dedicated to the food and fibre sector. Their focus is on improving vocational education and training to meet the needs of the sector, iwi and hapū, ākonga (learners), and kaimahi (workers). They collaborate with industries and education providers to offer skills leadership, develop qualifications and standards, and ensure quality assurance.
Below are some suggested links regarding implementing te ao Māori in the food and fibre sector:
Muka Tangata: Online Seminars - Registration to on seminars to understand how to incorporate Mātauranga Māori at work
Muka Tangata: Successful Māori-Centric Practices and Models - Evidenced ways to incorporate Māori values at work
Muka Tangata: Skills Framework for Food and Fibre Sector - A framework of skills with te ao Māori embedded throughout
Food and Fibre CoVE: Food and Fibre Māori Leadership Development Framework - In development in conjunction with Muka Tangata
Te Puni Kōkiri: Directory of Iwi and Māori Organisations - To find and discover locations of Māori groups
Te Whata: Māori Census Data - To understand more on Māori location and data available
Ministry for Primary Industries: Path for Prosperity (pdf) - Plan to support Māori food and fibre sector
Reserve Bank of New Zealand: The Māori Economy (2018) - Report on the Māori economy
Te Puni Kōkiri: Māori in Horticulture (2020) - A report on the size and share of Māori in the horticulture sector